The Open Episcopal Church has been part of the International Council of Community Churches since 2008 and through the ICCC, is a member of the World Council of Churches
Top Stories
On Holy Island
On St Brigid's Day
To be ordained
On the Holy Island of Lindisfarne Read the article here
Has formally founded the Open Episcopal Church
In Aruba
Chaplain to the Elgin Centre for the Elderly in Shepherds Bush
Leads her annual carol service with a friend, Reverend Volossovich,an Anglican priest.
Excellent article
Read the article here
Is appointed
As a hospice chaplain
Is running a food and homeless centre
In Florida
Helps lead the Ecumenical Clergy Service
For Christmas
To lead the Annual Memorial Service
In Cambridge
As international interest grows
Following the publication of her groundbreaking book, 'No Place For a Woman'. Read the article here
From Ottawa, Canada
The OEC expands to a new Province
In Northern Ireland World
International interest following the publication of her excellent book, 'No Place For a Woman'. Read the article here
From Aruba, North of Venezuela
With family from the Netherlands and Belgium
Of the West Norfolk Islamic Community
Building bridges, celebrating diversity, consolidating inclusive community.
With family and friends
Our inclusive Church, on a day of sunlight and hope, at this iconic reconciliatory community.
Meticulous well presented research
Pressing for the liberation of women's ministry in the Church.See it here
Celebrating life and love
The Archbishop brings Jesus,the church, and the sacraments to a home.
Inspirational words for throughout the day
See it here
In Cambridge
A fine priest respected in his community
Raising money for water for a fifth village in the Gambia and the Royal Marsden
See the interview here
Her new book, 'No Place for a Woman' will be published in March by Lantern Publishing and Media
The event
and then
Revd Flint's article
In London
Supported by friends from Mexico, Ireland and Spain.
In Kings Lynn
As Chaplain of the Tapping House Hospice -Read the article here
In London
A service of joy and in celebration of his deep compassion.
Founder of the John Paul Retreat Centre for the bereaved.
A haven to find solace and healing See it here
The U.K. Board of Health Care Chaplains
In his role as Chaplain of Norfolk Hospice
At her local NHS hospital
Our curch has a vision to love and serve all people.
From Tenerife and Kenya
Our small church with a big heart is growing
In Welling
Recently appointed lead chaplain at the Hospice
In Welling
Having travelled from Madrid, to spread the Gospel of Love in Spain, as our Church grows.
At this time of national and international mourning.
Read it here
A significant development
As our priests have also been licensed to marry in Scotland. Read about it here
Translated by Revd Mario Santos
See it here
Revd Flint's ministry grows
Read here and Read here
New members join and Revd Santos broadcasts
See the broadcast here
See the service of admission here
In Welling
Having travelled from Barcelona, to spread the Gospel of Love in Spain, as our Church grows.
Friendship with the Open Borders Apostolic Community
See it here. And agreements with other ecumenical bodies - see our Ecumenical page.
A lifetime of caring work and an author
Debra's second book explores the spiritual and political abuse of women in the Church.
The message of God's Love spreads
See it here
The Secretary of Pastoralia and Social Media for the Communion of Catholic and Apostolic Churches.
Read about it here
Supported by family and friends
OEC clergy travelled from Cornwall and London in support.
In Spain and South America
Our loving church spreads its message of inclusive love.
In Truro Cathedral
Jethro, the brilliant Cornish Comedian who brought so much laughter to people's lives.Watch it here
Working in a Hospice
Bringing unconditional love to all.
Providing water for life in the Gambia, and happiness to the community
Watch it here
Part of the Safe Religion Series
Including all the services for church and clergy.Find it here.
Providing clean water for Gambian villages.
This year providing a fourth village with running fresh water.
The OEC is formally registered.
The OEC in Spain is growing and ordinands are applying.
A version for all.Find it here.
In Welling
Having travelled from Madrid, to spread the Gospel of Love in Spain
A loving church
Read it here.
At the Chapel of St Francis, Welling
Revd Mooney, a psychotherapist and registered social worker, will be the deacon leading ministry from the Parish of our Lady of Compassion, Huntingdon.
Into the OEC
Watch it here.
Registered as the Apostolic Mission of the OEC
The registration documents submitted by Revd Santos have been approved and an active congregation has begun.
Invited to address the Pais Narrado community of South America
Revd Santos delivered a paper on the inclusive and unconditionally loving message and pratice of the Open Episcopal Church.
At the Chapel of St Francis, Welling
Revd Goode, Fellow and Praelector, Wolfson College, Cambridge, was ordained as a deacon for ministry in the parish of the Saints of the Fens.
Revd Damien Nooney has registered his chapel
The parish of Our Lady of Salmestone and St Francis of Assissi offers a welcome to every couple to celebrate their love and solemnise their marriage.
Including the Canons
Our small Church with a big heart and a loving, inclusive vision.Find it here.
Nailed to Canterbury Cathedral in 1999
The original text is included in the "History of the Open Episcopal Church" Find the updated version here.
For everyone
A loving, inclusive and accessible version for all.Find it here.
For everyone
A loving, inclusive and accessible version for all.Find the Psalms here. and
Find Romans and Corinthians here
Water for a third village
For Kusamai in the Gambia
30 bags of donated clothing
Reaching out to help, support and love the homeless.
For Water for Africa
Having supplied two villages with clean water, now a third!
In Chislehurst
Family and friends supported his ordination. All Covid rules observed. Masks off and breaths held just momentarily for the photograph.
Thank you to all who made this dream, this miracle come about.
We have almost finished providing this second Gambian village with fresh running water.
Love in action
Revd David Michael, of St Josephs Mission in Cornwall, delivered eighty Cornish Pasties free to his local community. Those self-isolating, over 70, got the oven fresh pasty delivered to their door ready for lunch. The warm weather meant Social distancing was a lot easier. One recipient was a lady over 100 yrs old who still lives at home and her son who is 79 got one delivered to his house too.
Bore hole dug, pump/solar panels installed/livestock drinking trough built,standpipes laid,fresh water flowing and water tower being built.
Water leading to Life
The village has now fenced their crop growing area and extra standpipes have been installed.
On Zoom
Watch it here.
In Thailand
The parish gave gifts to the Youth Charity Foundation. "All Saints seeks to be a church that is welcome to all, whether rich or poor, Thai or farang, black or white, gay, lesbian, transgender, or straight, old or young, Christian, Buddhist, Muslim, Hindu, or Jew. We aim to declare the inclusive love of Jesus Christ, and demonstrate his radical call to discipleship in our lives."
And outreach
Food after the lunch was taken out to the homeless.
Clothes and toiletries collected
30 dustbin bags full of clothes and other essential items distributed.
Now preparing for a special Christmas Day lunch
Revd Michael is preparing to cook and host Christmas Dinner for 40 lonely and vulnerable people.
Nearly 50,000 pounds raised over the years
12,000 pounds last year. Watch it here.
Raising funds for the Gambia
Thousands of people are drawn to them.
In The Gambia
Now 890 villagers, including over 400 children have access to fresh, clean, life-giving water, thanks to the generosity of so many members of the public and the clergy of the Open Episcopal Church.
In London
Surrounded by family and friends, in an inclusive celebration of Communion and Ordination.
To combat loneliness
St Josephs Mission in St Austell, Cornwall has recently reached out to two communities, Rescorla and Treverbyn and offered a free lunch. The events were free although there was a raffle and donations invited to benefit the local hospice. St Josephs Mission is committed to look for practical ways to reach out beyond walls and share Christs love.
Journeying with his wife and brother
Revd Rick Ramsey, a hospital chaplain and electronics engineer was ordained at the Chapel of St Francis.
The last stages in Tiaba Nyass
The bore hole has been drilled, the water tower constructed, the trenches dug and pipes laid. Now the stand pipes are being installed.
By the bishop of Northumbria, THe Rt Revd Lesley Dennis
Held at the Avenue Methodist Church in Middlesborough, in the presence of family and friends,and clerics from the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Denmmark and the Church of England.
From the Christmas Lights Appeal
The loving outreach of the Open Episcopal Church and the sacrificial giving of the clergy and the public now promises clean water to the thirsty.
In the home
The sacrament, touching people's homes and hearts brings smiles and hope.
Caught on two films
Part One - HERE
Part Two - HERE
Our Gambia Water project is underway
The bore holes have been drilled, now trenches are being dug by the villagers for the water pipes. Next the water towers must be erected and the solar panels fitted, all thanks to the generosity of the clerics of the Open Episcopal Church and members of the public.
In the Chapel of Salmestone Grange
The Open Episcopal Church welcomes all to be baptised.
in the Chapel of St Francis, Welling
Revd Spragg will minister within the Parish of the Bright Morning Star, supporting City of London co-workers.
Across 5 different denominations
Ministering in the United States as part of the Civil Air Patrol, U.S. Air Force Auxiliary, and teaching, preaching, counselling and chaplaincy work.
St Fursey's
With all his experience as a town councillor Revd Sheridan reaches out into his community.
Thanks to the generosity and commitment of members of the Open Episcopal Church
A desperately needed provision as the village hand pump failed a few weeks back.
The small church with a very large heart
65% of this has been donated generously by the clergy of the Open Episcopal Church. Now 1,200 children and their families will have access to clean, running water near their homes. Please help us by donating here.
The Christmas lights have brought in four times the most they ever have done before
Over a quarter of this was donated generously by the clergy of the Open Episcopal Church. Now 500 children and their families will have access to clean, running water near their homes.
Revd Fidgin was ordained in the Chapel of St Francis, Welling
Fiona is an innovator in the fields of youth work, liturgy and worship and new ways of being church. and was the U.K.'s first Veriditas trained Labyrinth facilitator.
2390 villagers in the Gambia will be given access to clean, accessible and reliable water
The Archbishop travelled to the Gambia in November to visit two villages and two schools. He took out supplies to distribute among the villagers and schools and planned with Water For Africa staff to sink two deep bore holes and fit them with solar powered water pumps.
The Archbishop will be travelling to the Gambia in November
Working with Water For Africa. Our hope is to provide a deep bore hole solar powered water pump for a new village each year. Communities around the country are becoming involved providing funds and items for distribution. Welling Football Club has donated kit, clothes and pens.
Incardinated and licensed for ministry
Revd David Michael, a former anglican priest, who has ministered independently for many years, was incardinated and licensed into the Open Episcopal Church.
At the Elgin Close Resource Centre
Revd Devaney takes regular services at her local community centre. Revd Nooney visited to give his support
Chaired by TV personality, broadcaster and journalist, Vanessa Feltz
The Young Presidents Organisation, Gold Section, invited the Archbishop to share his ideas about the role of religion in the 21st Century, in discussion with Rabbi Yitzchak Schochet, the Rabbi of Mill Hill Synagogue, and described by the Jewish Chronicle as one of the most outspoken rabbis in the world and Imam Ibrahim Mogra, The Assistant Secretary General of the Muslim Council of Britian and the recipient of the Hubert Walter Award for Reconciliation and Inter Faith Co-operation by the Archbishop of Canterbury. The discussion was chaired by Vanessa Feltz and took place at 1, Marylebone, formerly Holy Trinity Church, designed by Sir John Soane and now a prestigious London venue.
Revd Baxter builds a thriving community in Thailand
Revd Iain Baxter's ministry is bearing great fruit, invited to lead the Remembrance Day Service at the Foreign Cemetery, attended by the Australian, Portuguese and American Consuls, with the church community growing and being offered land upon which to build a church.
In the Chapel of St Francis
Revd Major Sullivan works with the Civil Air Patrol in the United States, the United States Air Force Auxiliary, and Chaplains Corps Character Development Instructor. He voyaged across the Atlantic by liner, joined by other dear friends who flew from New York and drove from Cardiff, and supporting OEC clergy. James had had forged a challenge medal to commemorate this momemtous day of his priesting which he presdented to all attending. It was a moving service and strengthens our presence and inclusive, unconditionally loving approach to ministry in the U.S.
Having no living relatives, many attended out of respect.
The Cambridge News covered the story.Read the report.'
Incardinations and Confirmation
Two new priests were incardinated into our church from the Anglican church and from an independent Catholic jurisdiction and a young man was confirmed in a joyful celebration.
For The Community With Special Needs
Working with a reader in the Anglican Church, Nick has begun this imaginative, thoughtful initiative, to serve those who are often misunderstood and appreciate loving ministry.
The Premier League Referee
Hundreds attended the service including footballers, civic leaders, military leaders and the Chief Superintendent of Maidstone and district. Read the report of the service.'
At the United Reformed Church
The elders extended the invitation, were delighted at Simon's ministry and have booked him again.
At Worthing
Joseph Nascimento worked in an exemplary manner at the Middle Temple for 22 years. The funeral was well attended, an expression of the great esteem in which Mr Nascimento was held. Tributes said he brought sunshine into the lives of others and had that rare talent of making others feel special and at home. The mourners included Sir Paul Jenkins QC (Hon), the former Head of the Government Legal Department and Permanent Secretary to the Attorney General from 2006 to 2014, Marilynne Morgan CB, former solicitor to the Departments for Work and Pensions and of Health and the Office of National Statistics, and Director-General of the Law and Special Policy Group DWP, John Leslie, Master, Queens Bench Division, High Court of Justice, since 1996 (Deputy Senior Master, then Acting Senior Master and Queens Remembrancer, 2013 to 14) and Sir Ian Kennedy, who was appointed to chair the Independent Parliamentary Standards Authority in 2009.It was very moving that a man, born in Lisbon, and arriving in this country aged 11, not speaking a word of English, could have touched so many hearts, even those in high positions in society.
Marco Hyde affirms his commitment to Christ
His journey into the Open Episcopal Church began with Post the Host. He travelled from Sheffield today for his Confirmation.
In the Chapel of St Francis
Revd Dr Misiura is a Senior Lecturer at the University of Gloucestershire and the Chair of the University and College Union. He was joined by family and friends.
OEC clerics take stock of their annual ministry.
Our church has provided thousands of services for tens of thousands of members of the public over this last year, including funerals, weddings, baptisms, hospital and prison ministry, uniformed group chaplaincies, terminal care, educational outreach, spiritual retreats, services of the Mass, ministry to the elderly, ordinations and confirmations, pastoral care and counselling, church planting and social and charitable work and this is not exhaustive. A wonderful fruitful year of loving, caring, inclusive and unconditionally loving ministry.
The Archbishop was asked to lead the funeral, wearing a London Irish Rugby shirt, at the request of the family.
He began the service by opening a can of Alfie's favourite, a Guinness! Alfie was awarded his M.B.E. in 2016, for 'Services to No 10 Downing Street.'
A garden baptism unites French Roman Catholics and Protestants from Northern Ireland.
The Archbishop travelled to Nice to conduct the service.
To minister in Chiang Mai, Thailand
Revd Mudore, has given her life in public service. She was a mental health volunteer for the American Red Cross, involved with Hurricane Katrina, Hurricane Jeanne and the World Trade Centre. She has conducted outreach to improve female literacy in rural Nepal. She has won numerous awards and is a prolific and published writer. She has worked among the Shan refugees from Myanmar. Her main role has been as an educator and counsellor. Revd Mudore was ordained in the chapel of St Francis, Welling but for the entire two hour service we linked via Skype to her congregation in Chiang Mai. Our priest in Chiang Mai, Revd Iain Baxter took part in the service, as did the congregation.
Affirmed by our Council of Bishops
No nationalties only one humanity.
When a foreigner resides among you in your land, do not mistreat them. The foreigner residing among you must be treated as your native-born. Love them as yourself, for you were foreigners in Egypt. I am the Lord your God. Leviticus 19: 33-34
The International Council of Community Churches was formed in 1950 to champion justice and reconciliation as well as Christian unity. We recognize the need for realistic regulations among and within nations that support their need for public safety. We cannot and do not give our support to national regulations that automatically exclude or discriminate against people who are seeking a place of sanctuary because of their national origin, race, religious faith or other arbitrary markers. Such classifications deny the fact that God has created all people, and in so doing encourage bigotry and hatred while doing nothing to increase public safety.
We are saddened by the numerous conflicts that exist around this small planet, and we are further saddened that the violence and destruction of conflict have displaced large numbers of those who under God are our sisters and brothers. Our duty and privilege as followers of Him who was exiled as an infant to a foreign land, is to offer hospitality and refuge to those who have been made homeless. We are compelled by faith and love to be among those to whom our Lord will say at the last day,
I was hungry and you gave me food; I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink; I was a stranger and you welcomed me. Truly I tell you, just as you did it to one of the least of these who are members of my family, you did it to me. Matthew 25: 35-40
We call upon all nations to turn away from the counsels of fear, and to show mercy to those who are in an hour of desperate need.
In the Unitarian Church, Kensington
Family and friends gathered.
In the Chapel of St Francis
Her priesting is planned for November.
At Harworth and Bircotes Town Hall
In the presence of the Chair of Bassetlaw District Council, Councillor Gywnneth Jones.
Raising money for Save the Children. Watch the documentary for the next 28 days ( until near the end of January ) here
The message of inclusive love spreads.
The church is growing.
Radio Cambridge 105
The moving personal tribute can be viewed here
In the presence of the Mayor and the Mayoress of Bournemouth
Held at the T.S Phoebe Sea Cadets Hall. The service was supported by local clergy, dignitaries and enthusiastic sea cadets.
Prestbury United Reformed Church
A service blessed by children, hope, love and life. Watch extracts from the service here
In the presence of the Mayor, the Mayoress and the High Sheriff of Cambridgeshire.
At the Bishop Woodford Centre in Ely
At St James, West Hampstead
Our Revd Baxter was invited by Father Andrew Foreshaw-Cain to take part in the patronal festival of the church.
In Cheltenham
A lively service, blessed by the children playing happily on the carpet, and enhanced by a dance, a reading and the distribution of Holy Communion involving Alex's children. The ordination took place at Prestbury United Reformed Church.
A busy autumn
A healthy stream of ordinands are presenting themselves. The church is growing.
Revd Lawson, as a priest of the Open Episcopal Church, has been voted in as the convenor of the Perth Action of Churches Together in Scotland.
Salmestone Grange, Margate
The Mayor of Margate, Councillor Robin Edwards and the bearer of the Mayoral Mace, Mr Clifford East, graced the ceremony, that was attended by family and friends.
An inclusive and love filled ceremony
Further details here
Revd Iain Baxter is building a thriving community
Over 50 members gathered together in the parish of All Saints.
A joint ordination
Welcome to Revd Alex Rigby ordained Deacon and Revd Natasha Morgan and Revd Hugh Quigley, ordained priests, at the chapel of St Francis, Welling.
Revd Whittaker, RNA Chaplain, arranges a significant occasion
On the Royal Naval Association's fortieth anniversary, the members of the Cambridge Branch were invited by Mrs Gerri Bird, the City Mayor of Cambridge to the Mayor's Parlour and Council Chambers
An epic journey across Europe.
Further details here
Thousands visit the lights
This year, they raised 2049 pounds for the charity. A thank you from Save the Children here
About his recent book - 'That Old Devil Called God Again'
Further details here
On the subject: Religious Power: Risk and Regulation
Baroness Cox opened the debate, followed by Danny Sullivan, National Chair of the Catholic Safeguarding Commission for England and Wales, David Greenwood, an award winning solicitor specialising in child abuse claims, Sheikh Dr Muhammad Al-Hussaini, Fellow in Islamic Studies at the Westminster Institute, Our Archbishop, followed by Rabbi Dr Jonathan Romain MBE, Rabbi of the Maidenhead Synagogue and PT Satish Sharma, co-Chair of the Hindu Muslim Forum. Full details are available here
Interviewed by Revd Cindy Kent, Anglican Priest in Charge of the parish church of St John the Apostle, Whetstone.
The interview covered Jonathan's ministry, writing and the Open Episcopal Church.
Family and friends gathered on a glorious sun blessed day.
That Old Devil Called God Again
Order here
The Daily Express
Report here
At Narborough Hall
At a service that spanned both the woodland and the barn!
That Old Devil Called God Again
Read all about it here
New ideas for growth
New approach, new presentation, new style - the Open Episcopal Church comes of age with a greater self confidence and assurance about its distinctive identity.
The church is growing
Applications from the U.K. and abroad
20,000 post views and the maximum 5000 friends
Follow him on Facebook at Bishop Blake and on his blog
Revd Morgan's imaginative initiative with the Society of Peace
Read about the event in Coventry
Northern Ireland
Back with us after his sabbatical
Revd Simon Whittaker
Simon, was ordained a deacon in the Chapel of St Francis, Welling.
Revd Mike Sheridan
Mike, a councillor, was ordained a deacon in the Chapel of St Francis, Welling.
Awarded in Durham Cathedral
Bishop Lesley Dennis, already a qualified teacher, graduates also with an Honours Degree in Ministry and Theology
The best year ever
The lights raised 2156 pounds for SAVE THE CHILDREN
Revd Morgan holds special public memorial
Candles are lit at Christmas in memory of departed loved ones. Watch the service
The message of the first is more relevant than ever
FOR GOD'S SAKE DON'T GO TO CHURCH as well as a new book of HOPES AND ASPIRATIONS as well as BE AN AWESOME DAD as well as a book about his father THE DIARY OF A PRISONER OF WAR
The Province grows
U.S. Web Site
Revd Martina Hajjam
Bishop Hamilton ordains Martina as the Open Episcopal Church launches in Germany
Controversial - Inspiring
The Archbishop lays siege to religious humbug again following his first book 'For God's Sake Don't Go To Church'
The Archbishop accompanied by the Bishop of Northumbria, clerics from Scotland and family and friends gathered for the ordination.
Bishop Helen Hamilton is to hold the first Open Episcopal Church Congress in the United States.
She will ordain additional clerics during the visit.
On the day equal marriage became law
Archbishop Blake, the first cleric to advertise his willingness to provide gay marriages in the UK in 1994 and who subsequently conducted hundreds of gay marriages across the country, including on Richard and Judy's prime time morning TV show on February 14th 2001,and who co-founded the Open Episcopal Church that offers the sacrament of marriage equally to all couples, is invited by the Prime Minister to a special celebratory reception at Downing Street.
Clerics are livestreaming
Each night at 11 p.m. BST the Archbishop leads a short reflection entitled 'Love's prayer at the end of the day'. On a Sunday he leads a shared meal entitled 'Love's banquet at the end of the day'. The broadcasts can be watched live or at any time
and announces other services via his Twitter at bishopjonathan. The services are fully inclusive. Bishop Hamilton livestreams also
and announces her services via her Twitter at HelentheRev.
Congress 2013
Bishop Lesley Dennis was consecrated at our largest Church Congress that also witnessed the ordination of our first American priest on Holy Island, Revd Storrs-Kostakis as well as Revd Lawson and Revd Britton.
At St Andrew's Church
Revd Iain Baxter was ordained a Priest on May 24th to serve in Chiang Mai, Thailand.
Our first German ordinand
Archbishop Blake flies to Egypt next week to ordain. Bishop Hamilton flies to America in September to ordain. This week we have welcomed our first ordinand from Germany.
On behalf of a sick woman, Beatrice.
Revd Martin Velasquez joins with other churches to call for reform. Read more.
From the UK and overseas
The bishops are handling over 10 fresh applications for ordination within the Church.
El Salvador and Argentina
The Open Episcopal Church welcomes into Communion the Evangelical Protestant Church of El Salvador and the St Albans Episcopal Church in Buenos Aries.
Holcombe Rogus
13 year old Sam Girdler receives an Open Episcopal Church KITE Award for his remarkable work, charity fund raising, residential home visiting and his wider caring work for people of all ages in his community.
Pen y Dre High School, Merthyr Tydfil, Wales
Awarded to Ben Jones, for his exceptional work in the community working with the charity, Linking Hands Across The World,especially for his work with Equinisweni school, and the Tumelo home in South Africa.
A 45 member downtown congregation
An inclusive community in the heart of Buenos Aries. View their facebook page
Read them here
With Zeinab Badawi
Archbishop Blake having campaigned for equal marriage since 1994 and the Open Episcopal Church since 2001 was asked to comment on this milestone towards a vital social change. Two further interviews with the Archbishop were broadcast on World News which has a weekly global audience of 239 million and is broadcast in over 200 countries. The Open Episcopal Church is at the forefront of working towards an inclusive and equal society. Watch extracts from the U.K. broadcast opposite.
New Web Site 'When I needed a neighbour'
For clerics of all denominations who are in distress.
Further details
Ordination in June
Revd Storrs-Kostakis will fly in to attend the church Congress
The Sanctuaries of the Spring are multi-faith ecumenical centres for healing and hospitality
Further details
'Female bishop to follow in saint's footsteps.'
Read the article
Broomfield Hospital, Chelmsford.
Amanda McArdle is studying currently for a Foundation degree in Healthcare Chaplaincy at St Mary's University College in Middlesex.
Diversity Issues
Advising on Council Agency and Police policies in Dorset
June 2013
Bishop Elect Lesley Dennis will be consecrated at Congress as the Bishop of Northumbria.
Annual Christmas Light Display
1204 pounds was raised during December from the thousands of visitors and over 100 gathered for the Christmas Eve pavement carol service.
U.K. born ordinand Iain Baxter's has a ministry plan for Chiang Mai
Archbishop Blake will ordain Iain in Cairo in May.
North Solihull
Mike Sheridan has linked with 10 other churches to provide this facility as part of the network of foodbanks run by the Trussell Trust
Supporting victims of hate crime.
Held at the DYMK bar, on behalf of the Bournemouth LGBT community.
The service was led by Revd Moss and Revd Goodwin
Bishop Wharmby ordains her at the Quaker Meeting House, Boscombe.
Family and friends gather in support.
The Town Crier called the Award Ceremony to order.
Over 50 attended as Revd Lawrence introduced the two proud young recipients
A call to join the only unequivocally and comprehensively inclusive church.
Having consecrated the first woman bishop for England in 2003, for Wales in 2007 and for Scotland last year, the OEC represents the only progressive, modern and socially relevant church of its generation. Life is too precious to waste one's opportunity to minister in a reactionary, failing institution that is one of the last remaining bastions of prejudice and discrimination.
Considerable local interest in the Open Episcopal Church
Read the article
Awards for young people in Scotland, England and Wales
Remarkable individuals rewarded and encouraged
Full details
We grieve the passing of our faithful, kind, wise and gracious bishop.
His funeral service will be held at Hinton Park, Woodland Burial Ground, Wyndham Road, Walkford, Christchurch, Dorset. BH23 7EJ on Thursday 15/11/12 at 12.30
Revd Sarah Lawson was ordained on November 4th by Bishop Hamilton
Revd Dr Hugh Quigley travelled from Ireland to assist. Revd Lawson will be ministering from the area of Perth.
Revd Mark Townsend conducted the marriage in the summer
The couple Jade Jagger and Adrian Fillary have commented: "Mark was the perfect man to guide us through the beautiful ceremony of marriage. His warm caring nature meant that our service was perfectly adapted for us and our family. So many of our friends expressed how it was the most wonderful service they had ever been to and how true it felt. He is a unique Rev in every way!"
Revd Richard Britton has been ordained a deacon
Sarah Lawson will be ordained deacon in November, Revd Kersten Lawrence a priest in December, Amanda Mcardle a deacon in February, Revd Dr Hugh Quigley a priest in March and Revd Daniel Gibbins a priest in August.
Bishop Helen Hamilton meets with the Church of Ireland's Dean of Derry Cathedral
The Londonderry Sentinel covers the visit- See the article or Read the web version
Archbishop Blake and our Bishop of Scotland, the Right Revd Helen Hamilton attended a reception marking the Government's historic consultation on Equal Civil Marriage.
Campainers, religious leaders, celebrities and politicians met and enjoyed Ben and Jerry's 'Appley Ever After' ice cream, newly named to celebrate same-sex marriage in parts of the U.S., and entertainment was provided by London's LGBT chamber choir 'Diversity'.
Archbishop Blake and Revd Gibbins attend No 10.
Following the letter of support sent by the Open Episcopal Church in favour of the government's leglislation for equal marriage.
The bishops meet with Dr Carrie Pemberton Ford
The bishops met Dr Pemberton Ford, a senior research member at the University of Cambridge and Director of the Cambridge Centre for Research in Human Traffiking.
At the invitation of NESTED
A group of professionals seeking truth.
Applications from Merthyr Tydfil, Falkirk, Salisbury, Argyll, Poole and Margate
The Archbishop's Council to consider the work of these exceptional young people. Nominations are still open.
Bishop Helen announces Sanctuaries of the Spring
Centres of healing and hospitality for those wounded by religious factions
Further details
Bishop Helen welcomes her first Scottish ordinand
Ordinands too for Manchester and Brentwood.
History in the making
Bishop Hamilton leads the Diocese of Scotland for the Open Episcopal Church
See the story and photograph in the Glasgow Herald at this link
Bishop Elect Hamilton, the first woman bishop for Scotland
Listen to the interview at this link
The Archbishop and Revd Gibbins spent half an hour at Westminster with the M.P.
The church presented the Minister with a letter of support for the Government's proposals on equal civil marriage and urged her to consider providing for equal religious marriage also and the liberty to marry in any location.
Dr Hugh Quigley is to be ordained
Our first cleric to live and work in Northern Ireland will be ordained Deacon at our Church Congress in June.
By kind invitation of our Diocese of Scotland
It will be held at St. Brendan's Diocesan Centre from the evening of June 4th until the morning of June 8th. Many interesting subjects will be discussed including The Divine Feminine and the Spirituality of Captivity. We will also be travelling by boat to the Holy Isle to connect with the spirituality of Columba and Brendan. The sessions and worship are open to all.
Admiral The Lord Boyce, Lord Warden and Admiral of the Cinque Ports and Constable of Dover Castle, His Worship, the Mayor of Swale, the Mayoress of Swale, the Worshipful Mayor of Faversham, Councillors, the Director of the Cambria Trust, volunteers and skilled barge restorers witnessed the Archbishop re-dedicate the Sailing Barge CAMBRIA and bless a compass given by the family in memory of Tony Ellis, the inspiration behind the project.
The barge, restored with over one and half million pounds of funding from the Heritage Lottery Fund will provide apprenticeships, social outreach programmes and educational experiences for young people.
Revd Gibbins is interviewed
Read the full article- here
First female bishop for Scotland
Rebecca McQuillan interviews Helen as she prepares for her Consecration - Read the Interview
In Bournemouth and Kings Lynn
Revd Kersten Lawrence and Revd Daniel Gibbins have both been ordained deacons of the church
Invited by the Cambria Trust
This 1.4 million pound restoration scheme, supported by the Heritage Lottery Fund as well as local government has resulted in this last British registered vessel to carry a commercial cargo under sail alone, to be fully restored. It is hoped the vessel will be used educationally and in work with the young. Full details available from - this link
Pastoral Letter issued
Read the press release and pastoral letter
Magic and talks
Revd Mark Townsend has been invited to speak about his new book, 'Jesus through Pagan eyes' and to delight the festival goers with his spiritual presentation of magic and mystery.
Fr John Hyde's community outreach
Annual returns demonstrate a three fold increase of those helped and in receipt of ministry - up to 2641 people.
The Archbishop is called overseas
Archbishop Blake will travel to Germany, France and Ireland this year to provide Christian ministry.
Revd Robert Moss is priested
Family, friends and clergy gathered in celebration of Robert's developing ministry.
5 relics donated to the church
Relics of St Sabina, St Marcellus, St Teresa of Avila, St Leopold Mandic and St Philip Howard have been given to the Open Episcopal Church. It is significant that St Sabina, St Marcellus and St Philip Howard were brave and gave their lives in resisting the pressure to conform. St Teresa overcame prejudice and persecution to become the first female Doctor of the Church and St Mandic overcame his disabilities, became known as the Apostle of Unity and is seen as the forerunner of today's ecumenism. The Open Episcopal Church is passionate about unity, inclusivity, and the need to overcome all prejudice and discrimination.Full details
Applications received
Schools and youth groups are being alerted to the innovative KITE Award scheme and the first applications have been submitted.
1,400 pounds raised
Even in the recession, Archbishop Blake's Christmas lights raised more this year than ever before. Over the years they have managed to raise over 6000 pounds for SAVE THE CHILDREN.
A significant increase
Kersten Lawrence will be ordained deacon by Bishop Harrison at Kinson Chapel, Bournemouth on March 4th. Daniel Gibbins will be ordained deacon by Archbishop Blake in Kings Lynn on March 17th.
The Archbishop delivers the Christmas message
At the annual Rotary Christmas dinner in Kent, Archbishop Jonathan Blake was invited to attend and speak to business, professional and religious leaders and congratulate them on raising over 20,000 Pounds this year for charity.
Sub Conditione of Revd Christopher Morgan
The service was held in the great hall of the Trinity Guild, King's Lynn on Sunday December 11th. Christopher is now the third Anglican priest to join the Open Episcopal Church
Awarding up to 10,000 pounds
The Open Episcopal Church is launching an award programme for young people aged between 10-18. The aim is to recognise, honour and inspire young people who are contributing to their community in a remarkable way and to re-awaken in society the virtue of a life spent in the service of others. Full details
The Archbishop's Council, meeting on November 22nd in London, has elected the new Bishop of Scotland
Revd Helen Hamilton M.A. will be consecrated as the new Bishop of Scotland for the Open Episcopal Church and will take responsibility for the Diocese of Scotland. Bishop Elect Hamilton will be the first woman bishop in Scotland. The Open Episcopal Church previously consecrated the first woman bishop for England and the first woman bishop for Wales. The Open Episcopal Church will hold its annual Congress next year in Scotland as guests of the Diocese of Scotland and will welcome bishops, clerics and laity from across the United Kingdom travelling to Scotland for the momentous event of the consecration.
November 20th - 26th
Prayer leaflets for use in England can be downloaded from this link
The priesting of Revd Robert Moss
This will take place on Sunday 5th February at 11.00 at the Kinson Cemetery Chapel.
Revd Helen Hamilton is overseeing an extensive modular training resource
Ordinands and present clergy can benefit from this provision which involves a distance learning approach without incurring costs. Full details can be obtained by phoning 01852 314007
Inspirational residents recognised in Pride of Bournemouth Awards
Fr John Hyde was honoured in September for his extensive voluntary work and care for others.
The Archbishop was invited to be the guest on the Inspirational Breakfast Show
During the 75 minute show Bishop Jonathan was able to speak about the vision of a church without walls, loving and inclusive, relevant and available for everyone.
The Archbishop speaks at Greenbelt
The Archbishop spoke in the G-Source about responding to the call of Jesus into ministry without being constricted by denominational obstacles.
Fr John Hyde's work in Bournemouth
On August 13th a prayer walk was held offering prayers outside the clubs and fast food outlets, as well as providing the practical care outlined in the earlier report below.
Seahouses Northumberland. August 5th -7th 2011
This was the first festival organised by the OEC in Cramlington and was well attended by people of all ages during the weekend. Friday kicked off the festival with a BBQ followed by beer and hymns where people requested their favourite Christian songs and everyone sang along karaoke style. Children on holiday at the farm campsite heard the music and joined the singing with enthusiasm, adding dances and learning new action songs. On Saturday morning the group walked along the coast to make a pilgimage to St Aidan's church Bamburgh, an historic site for Early Christianity in England, and the place where St Aidan died in 651AD. ( Local muscian Neal Croudace played a range of bluegrass gospel songs on Saturday evening and his rendition of Amazing Grace to the tune of House of the Rising Sun was an inspirational piece. Communion was celebrated on Sunday morning around the refectory table in a simple service where every member of the group participated in prayers of intercessions, or readings and giving each other the sacraments of bread and wine. It was a weekend that was packed with fun, fellowship and lots of good home cooking. Already people are making their reservation for the next one.
Revd Morgan, who has effected a Deed of Relinquishment from the Anglican Church will be ordained (sub-conditione) and welcomed into the Open Episcopal Church.
The service will take place on December 11th at 2 p.m. at the Kings Lynn Town Hall. Further information and details are available from Revd Morgan's web site.
"Our Lady of the Sea", Ardinamar, Luing on August 28th at 3pm
All animals with their owners are welcome to attend.
Archbishop Blake will be speaking on 'Faith, ministry and social action, liberated from the power politics, outdated dogmas and the cult language of 'club' church'
September 22nd 6.30 p.m. at St Phillips Church, Earls Court Road. London. W8 6QA. Tickets from Julian Whiting. Events Director. 0789 9723620
The Diocese of Scotland- The Isle of Luing
Dedication of the new, outdoor chapel to "Our Lady of The Sea" will take place before the Eucharist on Sunday July 17th at 9.30 am. Refreshments will follow.
August 5th-7th
Three days of walks, fun and spiritual refreshment in amazing countryside - contact Rev Lesley Dennis
Suicide, the tragic death of the young and those with disabling conditions
These are examples of those who turn to our church knowing they will receive sensitive and compassionate ministry, not pushing any dogma, but seeking to ensure their wishes are respected.
Continuing to meet a need
A community of young Christians have asked to receive the consecrated hosts regularly so they can worship together. Others who have felt alienated from the church have been able to receive.
By video link
Morning Prayer, Evening Prayer and a Mass are being offered - contact 0208 304 7605 for further details
Vocational applications rise
A third Anglican cleric has applied to join the Church and a fourth is considering the move. In addition, vocational applications have reached their highest level ever.
Revd Hamilton launches discussion groups
Theologcal Dicussion every Tuesday beginning June 28 at 7.45pm. at the St Brendan Centre, Luing. Topics and details : The St Brendan Centre
Over 100 gather to celebrate Revd Mark Townsend's ordination.
Members of the Anglican, Roman Catholic, Methodist and URC Churches came together with Druids and Wiccans as well as those from other spiritual traditions like the Bahai faith, in a service of mutual respect and unity, that epitomised the vision of the Open Episcopal Church of an inclusive church.
Research supported by all 5 of the U.K. Research Councils
Dr Kip Jones is the Executive Producer of "Rufus Stone" a film by Josh Appignanesi which begins filming in July.
Isle of Luing
On June 25th there will be a Quiet Day on the theme the "Inner Journey" which will include times of silence, reflection and sharing. Please email Helen for further details or to book a place.
A Baptism
Bishop Jonathan Blake baptised three children in the Terrace Pavilion of the House of Commons, as a guest of Brandon Lewis M.P.
August 26th-29th
Bishop Jonathan Blake will be exhibiting at Greenbelt this year throughout the festival, speaking to those attending and delivering a talk, encouraging people to consider whether God is calling them to be ordained.
The Christian Resources Exhibition
This week Bishops and clergy will attend Esher to spread the good news that the Open Episcopal Church is an inclusive, loving and diverse church, ministering flexibly in any setting, offering the sacraments to all, ecumenical in belief, worship and practice with over 20,000 members and with clerics across the U.K.
'Why dying matters to me'
May 19th at Arawlay House for those in the South West. The film 'A Party for Kath' will be shown and Mr Tapper from Tapper Funeral Service will speak. Information from Father Canon John Hyde ssb. Tel:01202 466364
For Mark Townsend's service
Tess Ward, hospital chaplain at the Nuffield Orthopaedic Centre in Oxford, has written a special Eucharistic prayer for the Mass on June 18th at Leominster.
May 8th Exeter
Bishop Harrison will ordain Dennis Oakes and Robert Moss to the Diaconate
Isle of Luing, Nr Oban
At the end of April the new retreat centre, The St Brendan Centre, Isle of Luing, PA34 4UD will open its doors under the watchful eye of the Reverend Helen Hamilton. Please contact Helen on 01856 873880

Peace at the retreat house
Revd Lesley Dennis participates
A group of young Christians in Cramlington organised a flash mob rendition of 'From everlasting to everlasting' at Cramlington's main shopping precinct last Saturday. A flash mob is where a group emerge from the crowd, perform something and then disappear back into the crowd. The people of Cramlington were very appreciative.
Ordination in June
The Revd Mark Townsend, a former Church of England Vicar, has chosen to return his permission to officiate in the Diocese of Hereford and effected a Deed of Relinquishment. He is joining the Open Episcopal Church and will be ordained (sub-conditione) on June 18th in the Lion Ballroom, Leominster. Revd Townsend is well known across Herefordshire and beyond as a priest as well as a Stage Magician. "Amazing and Inspirational!" Uri Geller "A priest like no other!" Cherie Blair "Wonderful and heart warming" Brian Viner, The Independent "One who lives and thinks outside the box" Bp. John Shelby Spong "A Priest at the edge" Rev. Peter Owen Jones (BBCs 'Extreme Pilgrim').
Archbishop's visit
The Chaplain, Revd Andrew Richards welcomed Archbishop Blake on March 15th to speak to the sixth form about the Open Episcopal Church.
Further funding award
Messy Angels has received a, 500 pound grant from the Co-op Community Fund and plans for the Living Water Festival are developing well.
Fr John Hyde reports from Bournemouth
Out and about on the streets of Bournemouth with the club chaplaincy. The team go out on a Saturday night from 10.30 p.m. To 5.00 a.m. Over the last six months we have been involved in helping to respond to: 24 acts of verbal abuse, 17 acts of domestic violence, 28 physical fights, 3 sexual assaults, 31 lone females, 10 lone males, 32 drunk and incapable females, 35 drunk and incapable males, 16 emotional females, 10 emotional males, 25 under 18's, 36 people needing to get home, 28 requiring first aid, 253 slippers distributed, 938 discarded bottles collected and called out the Ambulance Service 12 times. PLEASE PRAY FOR THE WORK.
St Magnus Cathedral, Orkney
All are warmly invited to this service on Candlemas at 12 Noon
The Salvation Army
The Open Episcopal Church sends Christian greetings on Commissioner Linda Bond's appointment as the 19th General of the Salvation Army.
For the Bethany Trust
Bishop Gillham arranged the Asda carol service, participated in by all local churches, which raised, 375 pounds for the Bethany Trust, an Edinburgh based charity that provides night shelters for homeless youngsters
Steering Committee
Bishop Gillham has been invited to sit on this multi-denominational group examining strengthening the links between chaplaicies.
The International Council of Community Churches
The 2011 ICCC Annual Conference will be held at the Bally's Las Vegas Hotel in Las Vegas, NV from July 24-27, 2011. Updates and links can be found throughout their website. You can also contact the Council office for information
On February 8th we look forward to raising Jonathan Chapman to the Minor Order of Doorkeeper as part of his chosen vocational path to the priesthood.
Our observance
Holocaust Memorial Day (HMD) is a day for everyone. We need to pause to remember the millions of people who were murdered or whose lives were changed beyond recognition during the Holocaust, under Nazi persecution,and in subsequent genocides in Cambodia, Bosnia, Rwanda and Darfur. The Open Episcopal Church in the South West held a service with a film, prayers, a time of silence and candle lighting.
Peace and Prayer
The Centre exists to provide a place of hospitality and spirituality for all. It provides a still place for those seeking a time of meditation. The Reverend Helen Hamilton is available to provide spiritual counsel, retreat direction and sacrament for those who require it. Simple overnight hospitality is available on application. There is no charge, though guests may wish to make a donation according to their means. Helen has lived and worked for various churches on Scottish islands for many years. She is passionate about sharing Christ with others, enabling Christians on their journey, Christian healing and ecumenism. Prior to being ordained she worked as a teacher, prison Governor and an Anglican, religious Sister. The retreat centre is a small, orcadian farmhouse, which stands on the hillside overlooking Scapa Flow. A chapel in the eaves reached by a steep stairway is always available for private prayer. Daily prayer is said and the Eucharist regularly celebrated. Accommodation is available for small groups on a daily basis. Please contact:
Dawn from the retreat house
Fully Inclusive Communion service at Mayfield Community Centre, Brownrigg Drive, Cramlington NE23 5TQ first Sunday of every month beginning on 6th February. Messy Angels now on 2nd and 4th Sunday of every month. Living Water Christian Festival at Springhill Farm 5th 6th 7th August - contact Rev Lesley Dennis

May 10th - 13th Esher
The Open Episcopal Church will be exhibiting at Esher for the first time this year.
On World Aids Day December 1st in Bournemouth, Dorset there was the inauguration of an AIDS memorial comprising some 200 artist designed tiles each representing a person in Dorset who died of AIDS, all wall mounted in a prominent location close to the pier
The unveiling was attended by the Deputy Mayor of Bournemouth. A tile was donated by Genesis Fellowship & Bishop Stewart is a trustee of DAMSET the charity which organised & completed it. This was followed by the official World AIDS day service hosted by the Church of England on behalf of Body Positive Dorset. Fr. John Hyde participated in the service & has now received an invitation to a meal with the local town centre Rector arising from this service & his ministry in the nightclub chaplaincy
Tamworth, Midlands Diocese
The Reverend Deacon Simon Mapp BTh will be ordained as a Priest on 12th January 2011 at 2:30 p.m. in Tamworth Parish Church. All are welcome to attend
Messy Angels, a club running for family groups in the Open Episcopal Church at Cramlington, has just been awarded a grant of 750 pounds by Northumberland County Council from their Community Chest fund. This will enable the club to continue in operation for at least 5 to 6 months and is welcome news for those attending. For more information on the club contact Rev Lesley Dennis
It has been announced that the next Open Episcopal Church Conference will be held in Margate on 10th and 11th October 2011
The Reverend Helen Hamilton, priest in charge of the Open Episcopal Church work in Kirkwall, has been appointed as the Provincial Ecumenical Officer. All ecumenical enquiries may be made to Helen at
Bishop David of the Diocese of Scotland is to become an Ambassador and Speaker for the international charity organisation Christians Against Poverty. He will undertake training for this role in December
Kirkwall, Orkney
Commencing 27th October 2010 a service of Holy Communion will be held at 12 noon in St Magnus Cathedral, Kirkwall. All are welcome to attend this service and to partake of communion
River of Life Centre, Durngate
The Open Episcopal Church of the South West Diocese is pleased to announce that a celebration of Holy Mass will take place on Sunday 3rd October at 11:00 a.m. in The River of Life Centre, Durngate, Salisbury Street, Dorchester, Dorset DT1 9EP. The Celebrant will be Canon Fr John Hyde SSB and the guest preacher will be Fr Tim Hodge. All are welcome. More information can be obtained from The Right Reverend Stewart Harrison on 01202 763609 or Fr John Hyde on 01202 46636
The Reverend Lesley Dennis, Deacon in Charge at Cramlington, will be ordained as a Priest during the annual church conference October 18th-19th 2010
Refresh Your Soul in Northumberland
The Open Episcopal Church in Cramlington is planning to hold a Christian festival on the weekend of Friday to Sunday 5th, 6th & 7th August 2011 at Springhill Farm, Seahouses. There will be a marquee on the grassed area outside and as there is a camping and caravan site at the farm there is plenty of room for anyone planning to attend for the whole weekend. Watch this space for more information on the activities planned for the festival
Mayfield Community Centre, Cramlington
A new community cafe is planned in Cramlington to be held at Mayfield Community Centre and it is hoped to be open by October. More details will follow soon
Messy Angels is becoming well established in Cramlington with new families coming every week and averaging 20 to 25 attendees at most sessions with 41 attending on Sunday 22nd August. To enable Messy Angels to continue a Summer Fair was held on Sunday 29th August, raising 220 pounds to keep the ministry going for a while yet. A further fundraising disco and buffet is planned to be held at the local social club at the end of October and will help to ensure the future of Messy Angels. Messy Angels now have their own page on facebook
The Reverend Deacon Helen May Hamilton was ordained as a Priest during a Eucharistic celebration held in St Magnus' Cathedral, Kirkwall, Orkney on Saturday 21st August 2010
St Ola
3.00 4.00 MEDITATION
REV. HELEN HAMILTON 01856 873880
At a recent members meeting of Action of Churches Together in Scotland (ACTS) an application to join that was submitted by the Open Episcopal Church in Scotland was rejected on the basis that the church did not fully meet the second requirement, which is "a willingness to work ecumenically", and that it did not meet the third requirement which is "to be organised on at least a Scottish national level". As the Open Episcopal Church has fully demonstrated its willingness to work ecumenically but has been prevented from doing so largely due to hostility from several other churches and because the Open Episcopal Church is a UK wide organisation with congregations, missions and other ministries stretching from Bournemouth on the south coast of England to Kirkwall in the north of Scotland, clarification has been sought from the next members meeting of ACTS in an attempt to discern why our membership application has been rejected and what, precisely, the church needs to do to conform to the membership requirement of that organisation
Messy Angels is an all age, all inclusive worship session that includes lots of creativity, arts, crafts, storytelling, music, worship and prayer followed by Sunday tea together. It will take place at Mayfields Community Centre in Cramlington beginning 6th June 3.00pm til 4.30pm
The next national conference of the Open Episcopal Church will take place in London on the 18th and 19th of October, 2010
Fr John of the Open Episcopal Church's Genesis Fellowship in Bournemouth found himself in the news recently for his work on the Bournemouth Nightclub scene. More details can be found here
The Reverend Lesley Dennis was ordained as a deacon of the Open Episcopal Church in front of a local congregation of around 150 people on Saturday 16th January 2010 at Beaconhill Community Centre, Langdale Drive, Cramlington NE24 8EH. During the service a collection was taken for the Haiti disaster raising over 400 pounds
The Bishop of Scotland will address the Scottish Parliament on Wednesday 20 January 2010 and will lead the parliamentary 'Time for Reflection' at 2:30 p.m.
At a recent meeting of the Archbishop's Council, the decision was made to proceed with applications to the ecumenical bodies of the United Kingdom, commencing with an immediate application to Action of Churches Together in Scotland (ACTS). This decision reaffirms the intent of the Open Episcopal Church to take its place in the life of the Christian Church nationwide and to work together with other Christian churches for visible unity
St Cecilia's Oratory has opened in Lichfield. Lichfield is in the Midlands Diocese
Midlands Diocese
The new mission in the Midlands Diocese, "Open Faith", is now open. All are welcome
Several new candidates have been accepted by the Archbishop's Council and are currently in training for ordination as deacons
The Diocese of Scotland has partnered with Amazon to provide an Online Charity Shop. All commission earned from this enterprise will go to further the charitable purposes of the diocese, which is a registered charity (SC037428)
The next Olympic Games
The Diocese of London & South East England is to join with other local churches in providing a Christian presence at the next Olympic Games
Indianapolis, USA
The International Council of Community Churches 60th Annual Conference will be held in Indianapolis, Illinois July 19-23, 2010. Updates and links can be found throughout their website. You can also contact the Council office for information
War Memorial Dedication
Photograph by
Gary Baker copyright
West Lothian Council 2009
Used with permission
Bishop David Gillham of the Scottish diocese, in his capacity as Padre to the Livingston branch of the Royal British Legion Scotland, led a team of ecumenical clergy to re-dedicate the Livingston War Memorial after its move to a new home at the recently completed Civic Centre. Bishop David returned the following week, Remembrance Sunday, to lead the annual Civic Service of Remembrance